Thursday, May 14, 2009

Across The Miles

Children grow, they marry, and build lives of their own. They become parents... and careers carry them far, far away.

We have eight beautiful grandchildren ranging in age from 8 years to 6 months. Sadly we live close to only three grandchildren, but all are never far from our thoughts and hearts. With the assistance of modern technology, we keep in touch through e-mail and blogging. We log onto computers each day for current news and photos, hoping that everyone is safe and thriving. One loses a tooth, another scores in soccer, while the littlest discovers sitting up for the first time. Yes, each amazingly perfect grandchild is a blessing that makes our lives complete.

Coming home from work, I routinely check the mailbox and sort bills from junk mail. Tucked between magazines was an envelope bearing a postmark from California and Kelly's unmistakable handwriting. Reading each carefully written signature, I felt an invisible hug from Petra, Soren, Annike and Tova.

Thank you!!!!!


Mama/Baby-Catcher/KellyJellyBelly/KJB/Wifey said...

Our timing isn't always perfect but our intentions are! They will be so thrilled to see their card for you on your INTERNET page.

Chere said...

Isn't fun to get a card in the mail. I do love the age of computers but it can never replace a card. It always makes my heart sing.

scrappysue said...

so pink, so cute!!! need to catch up on your posts, but just popping in to say hi!

scrappysue said...

so cute! i look forward to my 'granny' days in the years ahead!