For a short time, Ayden's behavior was untypical of the sweet boy I know and love. He was getting into trouble at school and went through some struggles in making good choices. Thankfully, it was short lived and he is once again my sweet little Ayden.
As an incentive for continuing his good behavior, Ayden was promised a sleepover with us if he achieved ten consecutive days of green stickers at school. A promise is a promise, and this weekend Ayden was rewarded with a sleepover. Sleepovers with us means lots of fun and special one-on-one attention. The fun began with an outing to the movie theater to see the animated feature "How To Train A Dragon". It was much better than I expected and is a movie that even adults would enjoy. I recommend that you see it, especially if you have children or grandchildren. It was Ayden's first 3-D movie adventure. He was riveted to the movie the entire time. After the movie, Ayden was allowed to pick a restaurant for dinner. He chose Chili's, would coincidentally is one of our favorite places. The night ended all too quickly and Ayden fell asleep watching "Horton Hears A Who".
After a breakfast of pancakes and warm maple syrup, Ayden took a bath. He LOVES the garden tub in our bedroom, and especially likes to play in the mounds of bubbles generated by the jacuzzi's jets. I left him alone to play for a few minutes and was quickly summoned to the bathroom by Ayden yelling, "Mimi! Come here!"