Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Do you remember 1999 and the hype about Y2K? Fast forward ten years to 2010. The past decade has flown by in a's true that the older you get, the faster the years fly by.

Much has happened in our lives since moving to Georgia ten years ago. As for me, I couldn't be happier. I am blissfully married to a man I have adored for nearly 21 years; we are settled in our new home of 2-1/2 years; my daughter and her family moved from Wisconsin and live within a 10-minute drive; we are both gainfully employed in a troubled economy; and I am blessed with amazing friends. We are DINKS (dual-income-no-kids) and DILDOS (dual-income-little-dog-owners).

2010 heralded the arrival of our ninth grandchild - Aldis Mariette - born around 7am New Year's Day. She is the second child for Chad (Doughboy's son) and Sarah.

And life goes on...


P.S. I am the excited winner of an amazing photographic print from Kate at Chronicles of a Country Girl. I have followed Kate's blog for about 1-1/2 years and won the print by leaving a comment on her blog about our New Year's plans. If you haven't visited Kate's blog, please click the blog link on my blog roll - you will be hooked! Thanks MUCH, Kate! Blessings and happy New Year to you :)